Last month, Emma Elementary took a bold step back in time to celebrate Pioneer Day, offering students a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the life and skills of the pion...
On a frosty Thursday morning, Barnardsville Elementary students saw a unique demonstration – the earliest form of human flight. Kevin Herschman, who lives near the school, fired ...
Buncombe County is once again in the path of a partial solar eclipse, which will happen on Monday, April 8. With so many eyes interested in what’s happening in the skies, experts...
In a captivating educational event, sixth-grade students from Enka Intermediate transformed their classrooms into a bustling network of trade routes reminiscent of the ancient Sil...
Cheers and enthusiasm erupted from R.L. Dalton stadium, only this time it wasn’t a powerful football play that had everyone excited. Two marketing classes from A.C. Reynolds Hig...
The prestigious North Carolina Governor’s School program has selected 20 Buncombe County Schools students to be part of its class of 2024. The program is a month-long summer re...
The Buncombe County community is home growing something new - our teachers. Highschools across the county, with grants from the Buncombe County Schools Foundation, have created Fu...
On a clear Tuesday evening, the huge mechanized telescopes of UNC Asheville’s Lookout Observatory pivoted towards Jupiter’s celestial grandeur. Eager middle schoolers from BCS Vi...
In a world where digital screens often overshadow live performances, a heartwarming scene unfolded at Weaverville Elementary School, showcasing the timeless magic of music and men...
North Windy Ridge Intermediate served up the ultimate Pi Day celebration, with mathematical marvel and a whole lot of fun. Students and teachers went round and round with excite...
Parents of Buncombe County Schools students are invited to SCREENAGERS: Growing Up in the Digital Age . The film will be shown Thursday, March 28 at 6pm in the North Buncombe Mid...
In the heart of Valley Springs Middle School (VSM), a vibrant transformation is underway. Amidst the usual bustling hallways, blank canvases stretch across unused lockers throug...
An Enka High School teacher is getting praise from his peers. The North Carolina Agriculture Teachers Association (NCATA) has named Kevin Franklin its Western Region Teacher of t...
In Buncombe County, an innovative approach to school bus safety has taken root, thanks to Buncombe County Schools Transportation Director Jeremy Stowe. Mr. Stowe has a passio...
What do you get when you take 223 students, divide by 22 schools, and add in many challenging problems? The solution: the Buncombe County Schools Elevating Math event. Friday, BC...
On Monday, March 4, the National Guard selected Candler Elementary School’s (CES) Principal, Charlotte Clubb, as the recipient of the prestigious Patriot Award for her unwavering...
Buncombe County Schools (BCS) employs thousands of extraordinary staff across the district. BCS takes pride in recruiting the best in order to inspire, educate, encourage, and ele...
Fifth grade students from Charles C. Bell Elementary were treated to an extraordinary adventure at the LEAF Global Arts Center , nestled in the vibrant heart of Downtown Ashevil...
Congratulations to our finalists for the 2025 Buncombe County Schools Teacher of the Year . The seven finalists, one from each district, were revealed at the March meeting of th...
Hello, BCS Staff and Families. Here’s a look at the BCS Board Briefing for March 7, 2024. The full broadcast is on YouTube, and photos are posted in this Google Drive folder . ...