Upcoming Events

Picture day is September 10
Picture day is September 10. It is for 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students. This year, all picture packages will be ordered online at the following site: https://my.photoday.com/s/LTBW/40309/. Makeup picture day for 9th, 10th, and 11th grade will be October 17.
Seniors who have not gotten their senior portrait yet will have one last opportunity at school on Sept. 18. Seniors can reserve a time here: https://mysite.vagaro.com/prestigeroadflagship

A.C. Reynolds High School will be the host school for BCS Summer Academy 2024.
Summer Academy is a great opportunity to catch up if you are behind in credits and want to graduate on time. It is also an opportunity to work towards a goal of graduating high school early. At the end of the program, we hold a graduation ceremony for any seniors who will finish their graduation requirements through Summer Academy.
Summer Academy is scheduled to begin on June 24 and end on August 5, 2024 and is available for students in grades 9 - 12.
All classes will be held in person at the Reynolds High School campus.
To attend either BCS Summer Academy site you must register online. Applications are available on the Buncombe County School’s webpage in the right-side column, “Live Feed” heading.
Transportation will be provided from your base high school to and from Reynolds High School.
Device - students will turn in their laptop at the end of the school year and be re-issued one for use during Summer Academy when they arrive at Reynolds High School.
It is strongly recommended that you consult your school counselor about the appropriate course(s) to take in Summer Academy before registering.