Volunteer Information
Click Here to read the job descriptions for the PTSO Board & Committees
We encourage you to consider serving on the PTSO. If you have any questions or want further information please contact us!
We'd love to have you join us at the next PTSO meeting and we welcome any questions you might have, contact us at tcrobersonptso@gmail.com

Signing Up with Sign Up Genius is EASY!
You DO NOT need to sign up for an account to use Sign-Up Genius.
New this year! Hospitality, Staff Appreciation and PBIS Student Events will be using Sign-Up Genius to ask parents for donations.
Signing up to donate items is easy!
From your computer
Step 1: View the sign-up page
Go to the email you received and click on the link to sign up.
Step 2: Choose the items you want to donate
On the sign-up page click the sign up buttons next to the slots you want to sign up for. You can click on more than one.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the big “Submit and Sign-up” button
That's it, you're done!
A smart phone shouldn’t be much different.
Here is more information from Sign-Up Genius!
Signing up for an account is easy
The Buncombe County Schools - Volunteer Tracker is new this year for the entire county. If you haven’t signed up yet, click on the link below and scroll down to Volunteer Tracker and follow the directions.
Click Here to go to the Buncombe County Volunteer Partner Page