Students exiting bus

On April 23, the parking lot of Hominy Baptist Preschool was abuzz with excitement as Sunshine the Safety Bus made a grand entrance, marking a significant initiative by Buncombe County Schools (BCS) to welcome rising kindergarteners. This new program is designed not just to ignite excitement about starting kindergarten, but also to alleviate the common fears associated with riding a school bus for the first time. 

Jeremy Stowe meeting kids

Sunshine the Safety Bus is a friendly and reassuring figure for young learners. The bus’s arrival was met with cheers and wide-eyed wonder from children eager to climb aboard and learn about bus safety. 

As the children gathered around, Transportation Director Jeremy Stowe introduced the students to Sunshine and began discussing all of the safety features. He walked the students through proper hand signals that drivers use to welcome students onto the bus. He also pointed out the importance of the swing arm which kids walk around to ensure the driver can see them. 

students excited

Students were able to practice getting on and off the bus. Their faces were alight with excitement throughout the entire experience. The visit concluded with a group photo in front of Sunshine, capturing a memorable day of learning and laughter. As Sunshine the Safety Bus rolled out of the parking lot, it left behind a group of well-prepared, eager young minds ready to embark on their educational journey. 

Preschool students on the bus

BCS plans to continue this initiative, hoping to reach more preschools in the area ensuring that every child steps onto their school bus equipped with knowledge and confidence. To have Sunshine visit your preschool, reach out to Jeremy Stowe via email:

students in front of bus