8th Grade
8th Grade Trip to Washington DC
8th Grade Teachers
Samantha Babiez - Science
Adam Dibert - Science
Christopher Jamison - Social Studies
Robert Gouge - Social Studies
Sara Kahn - English Language Arts
Amy McCollum - English Language Arts
Jennifer Corbitt - Math
Courtney Jones - Math
Jennifer Shull - Special Ed/EC
8th Grade Supply List
Science Links
US Constitution

U.S. Constitution Activity
Photography by: Elisabeth Knight, class of 2015
8th Grade Math
Welcome to 8th Grade Math! We are very excited to be a part of this important year preparing our students for high school! Our philosophy of teaching math might be a bit different than you have experienced in the past. We put our heart and soul into our students in our classrooms. That means having the students work in small cooperative groups, teaching in small groups based on student needs to fill in gaps or to enrich, using real life stories to teach, and so much more! What you will NOT see is homework. WHAT?!?! What we have found is that with all of the other things we are doing in class that are research supported, we just don't have time to go see who has/hasn't done the work, make parent contacts when students are doing the work, go over homework every day, all the things that make doing homework valuable to the students so that they will actually do it. We have also found that it is not research supported for students who don't go home to a quiet place with a parent to help them. That is many of our students in our 8th grade math classes. However, if you would like for your child to have extra practice at home, we support you in that 100%!!! Also, this does not mean your child will never have homework. Sometimes he/she will need extra practice to master a standard and it will need to be done at home. But, it will not happen daily.
We are also different in our grading practices. Students will take a LOT of assessments. How many? One for each standard the state of NC says we are to learn.
For 8th grade math or Math I you will need at least a 1 inch binder. In the binder you will need a pencil pouch where you can keep pencils and highlighters. You will also need 5 dividers in this binder. Labels: Math, Science, Social Studies, Disc 1, and Disc 2. You should also keep loose regular paper and graph paper in this binder. Finally, you need a spiral notebook with at least 150 pages and at least 3 sections (you can have more of either one).
Please visit the Buncombe County Math website!
If at any time you have any questions, please contact your child's math teacher!
We look forward to working with you to ensure a successful year!
Mrs. Corbitt, Mrs. Jones, and Mrs. Wallin
(828) 298-7484
Math I
Welcome to Math I (formerly known as Algebra). However, it isn't just a name change! We used to teach just the Algebra strand of mathematics. Now, we address all areas of math in this class.
This is a HIGH SCHOOL class. Therefore, we abide by high school regulations for attendance and exams. All Math I students will receive a brochure explaining the difference in this high school class vs. a regular middle school math class. Or, click here on BROCHURE.
Our curriculum is jam packed! We will be learning the standards listed HERE for Math I, as well as the standards for 8th Grade Math!
Our assessments are a maximum of eight questions per standard.
For 8th grade math or Math I you will need at least a 1 inch binder. In the binder you will need a pencil pouch where you can keep pencils and highlighters. You should also have loose paper and graph paper in the binder.
You will also need 5 dividers in this binder. Label: Math, Science, Social Studies, Disc 1, and Disc 2. Those are for math. For math you will need a spiral that is AT LEAST 150 pages, and has AT LEAST 3 sections (can have more of both things).
Visit our Buncombe County Math page for families!
Please email your child's Math I teacher with any questions! We look forward to working with you this year!
Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Corbitt
Math I Downloads
Target Form we use in class
The Table/Graph/Equation/Words form we use in class
Math I Links
Buncombe County Math Website
Check out the new AMAZING resource for math in Buncombe County!
NC DPI Common Core Standards
Utilize this link to read the Common Core Standards
Our Online Calculator
The calculator we will be using throughout the year.
Student Desmos
One of our most used websites